Friday, July 31, 2009

iTunesConnect crash reports

One nice feature of iTunesConnect is that you get crash reports from real users. You can use the symbolicatecrash script to map the crash report to line numbers in your code.

symbolicatecrash attempts to be very clever at finding the symbol files based on the applicaton GUID found in the crash report. Unfortunately even if you use a revision control system, get the exact revision of the code you released to the iTunes store and re-build, symbolicatecrash wont find the debug symbols because the applications GUIDs don't match.

In a pinch you can break open the symbolicatecrash script file, brush up on your Perl skills and force it to use the symbol file created by the re-build.

But for all future releases you can just have Hudson archive the debug symbol files for you and life will be much easier.

zip -r -T -y "" ""

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